2011年10月12日 星期三

USAFIS-美國綠卡樂透代辦公司計畫?? (2011/10/15 再新增另一手法U.S. Department of State dvs@kccusafis.org)

(2011/10/15 更新)有感此系列可能綿綿無絕期,決定將採降冪方式排列,日期由近期到早期。

1. 美國管理移民手續的唯一對口機構是政府機關USCIS (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services )
2. 綠卡樂透是不用錢的!(沒有收代辦費這種事,因為美國人預期你會自己辦)
3. 可能會用電話連絡,但是不會要求你提供信用卡資料或者任何付款要求
4. 美國政府移民手續公文很多,但是會用書面“寄的”,不會用E-mail連絡
5. 政府網站結尾是“gov",絕對不會冒出.com的東西來搞怪
6. 關於美國政府綠卡樂透計畫相關聲明請見該網站。(附註說明:2012年度已經截止了,五月會開始公佈名單。2013年度申請從2011年十月開始,有興趣的人可以以上網站填寫申請,一年有效,但每一年都可以申請,祝你好運:))


發信人署名為U.S. Department of State    信箱地址是dvs@kccusafis.org
不過這次比較壞,當年都說你很有機會中獎,這次直接說你中獎了!(放屁明明就還沒開始抽==+) 按照慣例將原文翻譯照刊(只做個人資料修改)給大家參考,切記,美國移民綠卡樂透是可以自行申請,而且是免費的!

案例三  國務院發出的信件

U.S. Department of State - United States Permanent Resident Card for Lamby Baa~ (板主姓名)
美國國務院  --  給李小羊的美國綠卡 

Your registered name Lamby Baa ( loeannie@baaa.com ) is included to show this message originated from U.S. Department of State. U.S. Department of State notifies Lamby Baa of being selected as a winner of the Diversity Visa program.

Dear Lamby Baa , You are one of the 50,000 winners selected by the computer random draw from the 12.1 million entries registered in the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program . The Diversity Immigrant Visa program is a United States congressionally-mandated lottery program for receiving a United States Permanent Resident Card. It is also known as the Green Card Lottery.

Winner Details

Acceptance Date: Tuesday 11th of October 2011 08:17:13 AM
Winner Name: Lamby Baa~~
Country of Birth: Taiwan
Phone Number: 886-X-XXXXXXXXX

(依序為:核準日期/  得主姓名/ 出生地 / 電話號碼)(註:由過期的電話號碼顯示,他們擁有的資料還是跟當時填寫過的一樣)

Diversity Visa Details
With the Diversity Visa (also known as Green Card) you will enjoy all the advantages and benefits of a U.S. permanent resident, including health and education benefits, and employment opportunities along with guidance in your new country, orientation sessions and programs to integrate into mainstream American society. Once received you can use it at any time you want to move in the United States or just travel. The visa must be renewed after 10 years.  


U.S. Government helps you with the accommodation and offers you Health Insurance (Freedom HSA Direct Individual Health insurance for 1 year), Dwelling (Apartment in any city you prefer, 1 bedroom for 3 months ), a guaranteed job (in the field that you are are currently qualified so you can start working even from the first week you arrive in the United States and get paid as U.S citizen. ) and education (for U.S. Students or Higher Education through EducationUSA. It includes transfer to a U.S college or University so you can continue your educational study. More details can be found at http://educationusa.state.gov/ .)

美國政府將會提供您一年的健康保險,居住,以及工作保證和教育機會。 (真的假的?我倒不知道抽到的人有沒有這麼好康,有待查證。)

以下是申請費用 (登愣~)
Processing fees

Type of Residence Card Status Amount (per person)
United States Permanent Resident Card Granted! - Waiting for payment of processing fee $879
Processing fees Included
Total $879
Although the Diversity Visa participation was free, the law and regulations require to every diversity visa winner to pay a visa processing fee of $879. The Diversity Visa(Green Card) is guaranteed upon receiving the payment.
The per person fee for each Diversity Visa is $879, payable in U.S. dollars or equivalent of your local currency. This $879 fee is the only fee a winner needs to pay throughout the entire relocation process.
Accompanying family members(wife/husband, fiancee, brothers, sisters, childrens, cousins) may be included in the program and their visas will be provided at the same time with yours so you can travel/move together in the same time. However the fees must be paid per person and each member(e.g wife, brother, parents, childrens, cousin) must pay $879. There is no discount for childrens. Please note that you are allowed to take with you as many family members you want. However for each person you must pay an additional amount of U.S $879
For example if you decide to move in the United States with your wife and a kid the total fee is US$879(your fee) + US$879(your wife) + US$879(your kid) = US$2637.
人頭費:879美元/ 每人。(還反應匯差降一塊,好貼心!)

PURPOSE: The U.S. Department of State uses the fee payment primarily to process your visa related documents and verify your identity.


Visa Payment processing instructions
The fees must be paid using Western Union money transfer and will be processed by the U.S. embassy in the United Kingdom.
跟四月那封一樣,他所提供的地址是位於英國的美國大使館,會有國家這樣自己砸腳的嗎? 而且一樣非常時髦,使用快速便捷,錢一領走就死無對證的西聯會款。
Western Union is a leading provider of International person-to-person money transfer. With more than 150 years experience and 245,000 Agent locations in over 200 countries and territories, Western Union is recognized for sending money quickly, reliably, and safety.
You can send the payment in U.S. dollars or equivalent of your local currency .

Click on the following link to find the nearest Western Union agency and send the fees payment :
Find Western Union Agency
If you are unable to find a Western Union agency near your location, you may ask a relative or friend to pay the fee on your behalf.

After you find a Western Union agency you need to go with cash money, an identity card(e.g passport or national identity card) and send the payment to the U.S. embassy agent address in United Kingdom:

Name   : Alexander Preis 
Address:  73 Queens Avenue 
              London, N20 0JB   (地址經google是個普通民宅)
              United Kingdom



The payment must be sent to the above U.S. embassy agent address in United Kingdom because the U.S. Department of State decided this based on the diplomatic relations with your country.

After you send the payment follow the next steps:   Fax the Western Union receipt at +44 207 691 7968 !
Then wait for the confirmation that the payment was received.

Within 48 hours, you will receive a confirmation via email with your Case Number/Confirmation Number and exact date and time(approx. 2 days) of the final interview. Upon successful interview you will receive your documents and travel information to move in the United States. Under no circumstances your visa status won't be affected by the interview. After you have paid the processing fees your visa is guaranteed ! 還會給你確認信,真是貼心。不過我猜可能這個階段還會跟你說沒收到,或是另外有費用要繳之類的想辦法多騙幾次。

Please Note! 請注意!

The payment must be sent via Western Union in maxx 72 hours after you have received and read the email from U.S. DEPARTMENT of STATE. You are strongly encouraged not to wait until the last day to pay. Heavy demand may result in system delays . The visa processing fee(US $879) is mandatory for each person and the U.S. Government doesn't offer any discount, loan or exception.
You have been selected winner of the Diversity Visa lottery so the visa is guaranteed upon receiving the payment fees on time.
A hard copy of this letter will be mailed to your postal address upon receiving the payment fees.
Please be advised that even through you are a winner of Diversity Visa your Case Number/Confirmation Number will be provided only after you send the payment confirmation of the fees. Please do not contact us to ask for the Case Number/Confirmation Number.

If it would be necessary to contact the U.S. Department of state YOU MUST ALWAYS REFER TO YOUR NAME. The email is dvs@kccusafis.org ! 
再次言辭懇切的催逼你去繳款不然就喪失資格囉!!!! (放你的臭屁!)


CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT: AUTHORITIES: The information asked for on this form is requested pursuant to Section 222 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. Section 222(f) provides that the records of the Department of State and of diplomatic and consular offices of the United States pertaining to the issuance and refusal of visas or permits to enter the United States shall be considered confidential and shall be used only for the formulation, amendment, administration, or enforcement of the immigration, nationality, and other laws of the United States. Certified copies of such records may be made available to a court provided the court certifies that the information contained in such records is needed in a case pending before the court.


 還是老話一句,樂透是真的,但是這間公司是假的。他們不是美國政府機構,了不起是民間代辦公司,而且還是高額詐財的那種。 而且根據他們的信件來看,我懷疑這個公司已經換人經營,並且走向詐騙集團的方向了。請大家注意不要上當受騙呢。

(2011/4/8 更新)
案例二 假代辦真詐財?署名U.S. Department of State的電子郵件寄件者
該詐案附上的連絡方式為 usgov.visa@usa.com 。附上供參考。


Dear Lamby Lee (化名) ,
Congratulations ! You are among those randomly selected and registered for further consideration in the diversity immigrant program. Selection guarantees that
you will receive a United States Permanent Resident Card(also known as Green Card or Diversity Visa) only if you follow the instructions for further processing.

Acceptance Date: Friday 8th of April 2011 05:28:46 AM
Winner Name: Lamby Lee
Country of Birth: Taiwan
Phone Number: 886-*-********* (註:台灣家裡停用已久的舊號碼)

Is the Diversity Visa FREE ?
No. There is a big confusion. Only the participation in the Diversity Visa Lottery was free but the winners must pay the visa processing fees.

The fee is used to process your visa related documents and verify your identity.

Type of Residence United States Permanent Resident Card
Card Status Granted! - Waiting for payment of processing fee
Amount (per person)$880

Processing fees Included Total $880


接下來是一段引用美國政府對於此簽證的資格說明(但網頁很有趣的是連向美國做給留學生網站Education USA),並且告訴你,拿到綠卡會擁有許多優惠,比方說承認學歷轉美國學校...只要你付了錢~。
Please read and follow all the instructions very carefully. With the Diversity Visa (also known as Green Card) you will enjoy all the advantages and benefits of a US permanent resident, including health and education benefits, and employment opportunities along with guidance in your new country, orientation sessions and programs to integrate into mainstream American society. Once received you can use it at any time you want to move in the United States or just travel. The visa must be renewed after 10 years.

Although you will have all the rights that a U.S. citizen has in the United States, without a relative or friend in the United States you may find the relocation difficult and expensive due the lack of experience in the American society. Therefore the U.S. Government helps you with the accommodation and offers you along with each visa Health Insurance (Freedom HSA Direct Individual Health insurance for 1 year), Dwelling(Apartment in any city you prefer, 1 bedroom for 3 months ), a guaranteed job(in the field that you are are currently qualified so you can start working even from the first week you arrive in the United States and get paid as U.S citizen. ) and education (for U.S. Students or Higher Education through EducationUSA. It includes transfer to a U.S college or Univeristy so you can continue your educational study. More details can be found at http://educationusa.state.gov/ .)
We remind you that only the visa processing fee ($880) is mandatory and the visa is guaranteed upon receiving the payment.(註:這是不可能的,小提醒,沒人可以保證中獎)

Accompanying family members(wife/husband, fiancee, brothers, sisters, children, cousins) may be included in the program and their visas will be provided at the same time with yours so you can travel/move together in the same time. However the fees must be paid per person and each member(e.g wife, brother, parents, children, cousin) must pay $880. There is no discount for children.(嘖嘖)

Visa Payment processing instructions
The fees must be paid using Western Union money transfer and will be processed by the U.S. embassy in the United Kingdom(那AIT設來幹嘛?).

Western Union is a leading provider of International person-to-person money transfer. With more than 150 years experience and 245,000 Agent locations in over 200 countries and territories, Western Union is recognized for sending money quickly, reliably, and safety.
You can send the payment in U.S. dollars or equivalent of your local currency.

Click on the following link to find the nearest Western Union agency and send the fees payment :
Find Western Union Agency
If you are unable to find a Western Union agency near your location, you may ask a relative or friend to pay the fee on your behalf.(好貼心)

After you find a Western Union agency you need to go with cash money, an identity card(e.g passport or national identity card) and send the payment to the U.S. embassy agent address in United Kingdom:

Name : Bernard Powderly
Address: 24 Grosvenor Square
London, W1A 2LQ (地址經google 的確是英國外交部,很細心)
United Kingdom

The payment must be sent to the above U.S. embassy agent address in United Kingdom because the U.S. Government decided this based on the diplomatic relations with your country.

After you send the payment follow the next steps :

a) Email copy/scan of the Western Union receipt at usgov.visa@usa.com
b) Email at usgov.visa@usa.com with the following details (you can find them on the money transfer receipt):

1) Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN):
2) Exact sender's name on file with Western Union:
3) Exact sender's address on file with Western Union:
4) Exact receiver's name on file with Western Union:
5) Amount sent:

Then wait for the confirmation that the payment was received.

Within 72 hours, you will receive a confirmation via email with your Case Number/Confirmation Number and exact date and time(approx. 2 days) of the final interview. Upon successful interview you will receive your documents and travel information to move in the United States. Under no circumstances your visa status won't be affected by the interview.


1. 你匯的錢我沒收到。
2. 收到了謝謝你,會短期內跟你進一步聯繫,然後再也找不到人。
3. 這個手法是USAFIS為了因應通貨膨脹演變出的新收費方式,之所以匯這樣猜是因為信件一開始顯現的資料和USAFIS擁有的資料相同。要不是同個公司分出來自立門戶,就是USAFIS換人接手了。

2008/03/14  原文
案例一 用詐騙方式假冒政府機構,並索取不合理高額代辦金的代辦機構USAFIS?

題外話這是正式的美國政府綠卡樂透(DV Lottery)網頁:2009年的已經截止囉:D~




美國很好阿! 拿到綠卡除了投票和選舉不行,其他的都隨便你阿~




還有,我還真的滿討厭趕鴨子上架的,不要逼我= =;。

另外,還好,我喜歡自己慢慢看說明說,還有我沒有信用卡:P 哈哈哈~

(2011/4/8 follow up:到現在他們還在寄廣告信,每封開頭都是恭喜你中獎了!(沒填哪來的獎?)真是鍥而不捨,不過通通都進垃圾桶了。)
然後,我上網收信(她們有提到寄信來,我說,那我想一想之後再利用信填完,還不可以勒!硬要當場就完成),順便google 一下這個公司(到最後他有講到她們是仲介公司),發現下面的東西,還有很多沒貼上來,也是相關的(受害?)資料。




美國國務院簽證辦公室13日警告,國務院並不會以電子郵件通知移民抽籤的結果,也未授權其他機構處理,只有由Department of State, Kentucky Consular Center經郵局寄發的通知,才屬真實。


例如,某一詐騙集團假冒美國國務院發出電子郵件,主旨欄先以「恭喜! (綠卡移民抽籤)」字樣吸引收信者,而信件中盜用了美國國務院網站的標誌,甚至還放上美國國務院在華府的地址,試圖魚目混珠,乍看之下幾乎亂真。


簽證辦公室表示,2006會計年度的多樣化移民(移民抽籤)中籤者,早已完成通知。而2007會計年度的多樣化移民本月5日才開始收件。該詐騙集團要求收信人兩周內使用usadvlottery20052006@walla.com聯繫。而國務院簽證辦公室指出,只有網址中有「.gov 」字樣的,才是美國政府使用的網址及網站。



從2005會計年度開始,每年五萬個名額的移民抽籤,全面電子化申請,台灣、香港、澳門的民眾,都有資格申請。移民抽籤詳情可見 http://www.dvlottery.state.gov。


互聯網廣泛流傳 贏取美國綠卡、機票與工作機會的傳言,指一個名為usafis機構設立網站邀請世界各地人士參加“美國綠卡抽獎計劃”,參加者只須繳交119美元(約435令吉)及提供信用卡資料。不過,《光明日報》向美國大使館查證後,證實這個計劃是個騙局。



























記: 讓我想一想。





L:當然世界各地的美國大使館和我們公司有聯繫,但他們不負責抽獎工作。 (光明日報‧2006/10/29)


5 我想說....:

匿名 提到...


匿名 提到...


匿名 提到...

謝謝你的文章耶!!!!!我一直接到他們的來電(外國人打來的),但一直要我付錢讓我很懷疑= =

匿名 提到...

我也收到封他們"新的通知",也是百年前不懂事填的"舊"資料~ 不過到美國官方網站看了很多資料之後,覺得是詐騙集團,所以google到您的文章,也分享一下囉~

Type of Residence Card Status Amount (per person)
United States Permanent Resident Card Granted! - Waiting for payment of processing fee $879
Please note that you are allowed to take with you as many family members you want. However for each person you must pay an additional amount of U.S $879
For example if you decide to move in the United States with your wife and a kid the total fee is US$879(your fee) + US$879(your wife) + US$879(your kid) = US$2637.
Visa Payment processing instructions
The fees must be paid using Western Union money transfer and will be processed by the U.S. embassy in the United Kingdom.
Western Union is a leading provider of International person-to-person money transfer. With more than 150 years experience and 245,000 Agent locations in over 200 countries and territories, Western Union is recognized for sending money quickly, reliably, and safety.
You can send the payment in U.S. dollars or equivalent of your local currency .
After you find a Western Union agency you need to go with cash money, an identity card(e.g passport or national identity card) and send the payment to the U.S. embassy agent address in United Kingdom:
Name : Matt Kramer
Address: 73 Queens Avenue
London, N20 0JB
United Kingdom
After you send the payment follow the next steps:
Fax the Western Union receipt at +44 2080434497 !


Loe 提到...
